OCP, founding partner of CorpsAfrica, to raise awareness about Covid19



Getting the right information to landlocked populations remains difficult in this period of health crisis. On our continent, people living in isolated places or poorly connected to the means of communication find it difficult to grasp all the information on this pandemic.

This is how CorpsAfrica gave itself the mission to come to the aid of these people by sending them the right information on COVID-19.

The initiative launched in Senegal, Rwanda and Malawi reaches almost 5,000 people in rural areas.

Through this important mission, CorpsAfrica volunteers contribute to raising awareness against the spread of COVID-19 by answering questions from populations and promoting healthy practices and sanitary measures to stop the pandemic.

In Senegal, CorpsAfrica is intensifying awareness raising via community radios in order to reach as many people as possible. To support awareness of the benefits of barrier measures such as repeated hand washing, CorpsAfrica in Rwanda has set up disinfection facilities. Finally, in Malawi, volunteers work with the Center for Control and Prevention of Epidemics to submit proposals to the American plan for Emergency Aid in the fight against AIDS to engage more communities in the fight against epidemics and viral diseases.


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