تحميل PDF - 1MBJuly, 12th, 2021, Casablanca, Morocco - OCP Group, the world’s largest phosphate mining producer and a global leading fertilizer company, becomes a member of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) for the promotion of sustainable phosphorus management. The Group will exchange knowledge and best practices with the ESPP’s 40+ members and wide network of scientists and companies, who span the entire value chain of phosphate and phosphorus, promising to discover new innovative ways to use the resource optimally.
OCP mines, processes, manufactures, and exports phosphate products from the most important phosphate reserves known to date* in Morocco to its clients, reaching farmers in Europe, in Africa, America, and across the world. As a responsible custodian of the Phosphate resource throughout fertilizer manufacturing process and use in the whole value chain, OCP advocates to farmers to use the 4R’s: Right Fertilizer, Right Rate, Right Time and Right Place. The 4Rs look at soil health and agricultural practices to make sure fertilizer use is managed correctly and recycled phosphorus can be used where appropriate. This is why innovations around phosphorus recycling are important. The core challenge facing the industry today is how to meet the growing demand for phosphate sustainably. By bringing together voices, knowledge, and ideas from across the phosphate industry, the ESPP has paved a fast-track route in Europe to the sustainable management of this resource.
The ESPP was formed in March 2013 from a declaration by organizations committed to sustainable phosphorus. It ensures knowledge sharing and networking opportunities that contribute to a long-term vision for phosphorus sustainability in Europe, where it is based but also through its member organizations in other continents such as Japan and North America. Members of the ESPP cover a wide range of expertise across the phosphorus value chain, including phosphorus mining and processing, water and waste treatment, agriculture, phosphorus reuse and recycling and phosphorus innovation and technologies. Committed to work for a sustainable and optimized management of the resource, members of the ESPP span the private sector, NGOs and governmental organizations. As a member of the ESPP, OCP will contribute to discussions, aid research conducted by the platform, and promote sustainable phosphate management.
Hanane Mourchid, Sustainibility & Green Industrial Development Director at OCP Group said: “We are thrilled to become a member of the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform. Phosphorus is vital for life and as a responsible custodian of the world’s most important phosphate reserves known to date, we are committed to maximizing the potential of this vital resource, using innovation and R&D to produce phosphate products that help feed the world sustainably. Being a part of the ESPP enables us to continue the work we have been doing in optimizing and managing phosphate use in our industry, while exchanging knowledge with other major players that share the same commitment. If we are to continue feeding our growing population, it is vital that continue to find new and innovative ways of managing phosphate resources.”
Ludwig Hermann, ESPP President said: “The ESPP gathers organizations across the phosphorus value chain that are committed to tackling phosphorus sustainability challenges. We are delighted to welcome the OCP Group as a member. As a big player within the phosphate industry and a large contributor of phosphorus research, we are excited by the opportunities for innovation around phosphate management, particularly recycling methods that will come from this partnership. Ongoing discussions and knowledge sharing are crucial for ensuring there is advancement in the responsible use of phosphorus which will feed our world for centuries to come.”
Additional to the ESPP’s work on sustainable phosphorus is its work with water management, which is key to reducing eutrophication and maintaining the health of natural water resources. Currently, OCP recycles 80% of the water used in its phosphate rock enrichment processes, optimizing water use throughout the value chain.
As a company with more than 100 years of expertise in the phosphate industry, OCP fully embraces the vital role it plays in helping farmers around the world produce enough food. This role starts with increasing production of phosphate-based products to meet the growing demand with minimal impact to the environment. To this end, OCP is continuously investing in innovation that will improve the efficiency of using and reusing phosphate and customizing its approach and products.
*According to US Geological Survey
OCP plays an important role in feeding a growing global population, by providing essential elements for soil fertility and plant growth. With a century of experience and revenues reaching US$ 5.9 billion in 2020. OCP is a leader in plant nutrition and the world’s first producer of phosphate-based fertilizers. OCP provides a wide range of customized fertilizer products to enhance soil, increase agricultural yields, and help feed the planet in a sustainable and affordable way. Headquartered in Morocco and present on five continents, OCP works in close partnership with more than 350 customers across the world. Closer to home, OCP is committed to help drive forward Africa’s environmental and social development and implement sustainable and prosperous agriculture through innovation. The Group is firmly convinced that leadership and profitability are necessarily synonymous with social responsibility and sustainable development. Its strategic vision is rooted in the meeting of these two dimensions.
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The European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) promotes the implementation of sustainable phosphorus management in Europe, in particular phosphorus recycling. ESPP is a non-profit organisation, funded by its members, which acts through stakeholder and inter-sectoral industry dialogue, networking, information dissemination and elaboration of joint proposals to policy makers. The Platform brings together a range of different industries: chemicals, mineral and organic fertilisers, water and waste management, recycling technologies, as well as knowledge institutes and public organisations. Current centres of action include the EU Fertilising Products Regulation, EU Critical Raw Materials policies (phosphate rock, P4), bioeconomy and circular economy, standards and BAT, EU R&D funding objectives, national phosphorus recycling legislations and policies, phosphorus and nutrients in the agri-food industry, EU water policy and phosphorus removal from sewage and other waste streams…
EU Transparency Register n° 260483415852-40
• OCP Group
- International Media Relations
E-mail: international.media@ocpgroup.ma
- Chris Thornton: info@phosphorusplatform.eu