
Key figures

An overview of our financial performance

We’re the world’s leading producer of sustainable phosphate, having generated more than 50 billion in MAD revenues in the past year alone.

Financial report

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Revenue 114,574 84,300 56,182 54,092 55,906 48,503
Profit (loss) from joint ventures 1887 1185 342 360 399 337
EBITDA 50,076 36,269 18,657 15,333 17,076 12,722
Operating profit (loss) before exceptional items 41,640 27,254 10,461 7,866 11,256 6,572
Cost of net financial debt -2,286 -2,223 -2,170 -1,511 -1,567 -1,168
Net profit (loss) – Group share 28,185 16,326 3,231 2,843 5,425 4,567
Shareholders’ equity – Group share 108,052 86,200 76,143 77,191 78,859 72,411
Net financial debt 50,945 45,076 52,324 45,499 35,193 43,868
Net operating investments -20,011 -13,135 -9,566 13,964 10,801 9,045
Basic and diluted earnings per share 338.41 193.96 34.34 29.56 62.04 53.41
Dividend per share 98.50 61.85 54.30 40.73 30.17 20.22

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