Phosboucraa successfully docking without human contact

In order to maintain its activities in accordance with the sanitary measures to combat the spread of COVID-19, the OCP Group is disseminating the digitalization of its maritime and port operations.
As a result, the Phosboucrâa site carried out a technological innovation on March 30th at the wharf of Laâyoune by docking and loading a ship without any human contact between the embarkation team of Phosboucrâa and the crew.
This unprecedented operation carried out in Laâyoune is part of the industrial digitalization project that the Group began almost a year ago, notably at the OCP port of Jarf Lasfar. The aim is to strengthen HSE excellence with the application of dematerialization and digitalization procedures by limiting or eliminating human contact with the ship.
A specialized local company assisted our employees during the supervision of the operation using drones. OCP engineers viewed in real time the images filmed by the drone from the operating room, thus ensuring rapid loading and saving teams from the risks of COVID-19 contamination. The teams were also able to make the necessary checks at the level of the ship's holds before starting the loading.
Phosboucraa teams have demonstrated the effectiveness of this loading method that responds to new sanitary procedures mandated by the OCP Group in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. "Drone technology saves us considerable time and minimizes the risk of contamination of our agents," says Abid El Ouardi, on-board loader.
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