Act4community: Collaborators committed to a common vision


An innovative concept has emerged within OCP Group: 23,000 committed employees, a diverse pool of skills and multidisciplinary know-how, serving the communities that live in and around the Group’s ecosystem! "The idea is to free any Group employee, for a period of one to four weeks, outside annual leave, so that they can get involved in their community by volunteering at associations, through training and coaching, or even in the field of entrepreneurship ". It was through this clear message, by OCP Group Chairman and CEO, Mostafa Terrab, that the vision of Community Service was enacted. To take shape, this innovative concept needed a wide consultation and a deep reflection, and from this idea, was to emerge a deployment plan based on an efficient and effective operating model. Since the announcement, a working group has been created around this initiative, bringing together some thirty employees who have quickly started a substantive work. The result of which was a working platform that required wide consultation and a constructive exchange involving the contribution of the many. To this end, the organization of the Community Service Workshop took place on September 11th and 12th, at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University of Benguerir, bringing together more than 250 people, from all the Group's sites, in addition to experts and representatives from partner associations.

The aim of the workshop was to work together to make the vision a reality, to discuss and decide the best modus operandi to implement, and to identify concrete projects in which OCP Group employees could register to volunteer and give back to their respective communities.


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