Financial results: OCP’s key indicators are on green

In 2018, the Group has registered a growth in its sales revenue and its EBIDTA. The Executive Board was reunited this Monday 19 of March and has closed its social and consolidated accounts in IFRS norms.

During the 2018 exercise, closed on December 31, OCP’s sales revenue was 55.9 billion Dirhams, up by 15% compared to 2018 (48 billion Dirhams). The Group’s performance was drawn by a price increase of sold products, particularly due to a steady demand and the rising cost of raw materials.

Concerning the EBITDA, it increased by 34% in one year, thus reaching 17,1 billion Dirhams, against 12,7 billion at the end of the 2017 yea

OCP will publish its consolidated financial statements of 2018 on Monday 25 March 2019.


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